Building Stonehenge – This Man can Move Anything

Wally Wallington has demonstrated that he can lift a Stonehenge-sized pillar weighing 22000 lbs and moved a barn over 300 ft. What makes this so special is that he does it using only himself, gravity, and his incredible ingenuity.
Video Rating: 4 / 5


  1. It would really be cool to actually see the technique.

  2. Lol what did he do? I didn’t see anything. Look I’m flying I’m flying… Don’t you see? Too bad.

  3. gingerkidwithglasses says

    Best slideshow ever.

  4. atleast use a cellphone camera instead of this stone age camcorder

  5. Which pixel is Wally?

  6. ukgreaterlondon says

    our pagan gods put them here for us to enjoy .

  7. jonnysessions says

    Poor from you, Redban

  8. this is fucking un-watchable. Bryan Redban FAIL!

  9. TisBoiGoTSkiLLz says

    Joe Rogan :d

  10. Stonehenge has more stones than this has pixels

  11. Watch the video here instead which actually works


  12. smokeassault117 says

    why the fuck does this have 6,000 likes?

  13. a better version of this can be found here (not a scam or anything just his video quality sucks)

    sciencestage [dot] com/v/951/building-stonehenge.html

  14. OceanderTethyseus says

    how did this get 5 million views?

    what is the latest news on this guy and the progress of his new stone henge?

  15. Zackeizer96 says

    over there > under Suggestions, click on the video titled “Man Moves Huge Blocks!” by user “EpistemeUM”. That video works.

  16. Zackeizer96 says

    I came here because I heard about it on Joe Rogan’s podcast. This video is pretty disappointing. BTW, I still love Joe Rogan’s podcast.

  17. was this made for gamegear? someone upload a better quality vid please 🙁

  18. You can move huge stone pillars, but can’t operate a video camera. Kinda hard to take you seriously.

  19. Redban fail!!!!

  20. screw you brian this video sucks!

  21. 134e4t3ftsrdfsdfsdf says

    For those of ya’ll who wants those movin’ pitcher kind of videos

    Damn fancy types, can’t just look at pitchers and be happy bout it

  22. wow the word haters sure fly easy, im thinking the ones calling people haters are haters themselves, i dont hate anyone, but this would be better if it had video, if a person cant handle the bad comments, then dont post videos

  23. this is the same video which actually works


  24. Video sucks but Rogans the man, still love ya Redban.

  25. nickdesroches89 says

    @gianboy2001 lmfao one of the funniest things ive read on youtube!

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